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What is the weather like and what is the best time of year to visit Proserpine?

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What are the typical dishes or local foods that you can’t miss?

Suggestion of a 3-day tourist itinerary in Proserpine.

Here is a possible 3-day tourist itinerary in Proserpine, Australia:

Day 1:
Spend the morning at Whitehaven Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Admire the crystal-clear sea and white sand. In the afternoon, take a tour to the Great Barrier Reef for snorkeling and to discover the spectacular coral reef.

Day 2:
Visit the Conway National Park, a natural paradise with rainforests and hiking trails. Enjoy panoramic views from the top of Honeyeater Lookout hill. In the afternoon, you can take a boat ride along the Proserpine River to spot the local wildlife. Day 3: Dedicate your day to exploring Airlie Beach, a seaside resort with shops, restaurants, and bars along the waterfront. If you enjoy nightlife, Airlie Beach is the place for you. Before you leave, don't miss the opportunity to take a sunset boat tour to admire the stunning surrounding landscapes. Have a great trip to Proserpine!

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Attractions and Activities

Hotels, Resorts, Inns



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