Rio Branco

Acre, Brasil
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Discover the history of Rio Branco.

The city of Rio Branco, capital of the state of Acre, located in the Northern region of Brazil, has an interesting history full of peculiarities. Founded on December 28, 1882 by rubber tapper Neutel Maia, the city played an important role during the rubber boom in the early 20th century.

During the Acrean Revolution, Rio Branco was the scene of several battles and conflicts, as the Acre region sought independence from Bolivia, the country to which it belonged at the time. Through treaties and international agreements, Acre finally became part of Brazilian territory in 1903, a fact that marked the city's and the state's history.

Rio Branco was named after Baron of Rio Branco, an important Brazilian diplomat responsible for various international negotiations. The city grew with the arrival of migrants and immigrants, especially Northeasterners seeking work in the rubber plantations.

Today, Rio Branco is a city in constant growth, with a diversified economy that goes beyond rubber exploitation. Local culture and traditions are present in various aspects of the lives of its inhabitants, making it an interesting tourist destination for those looking to learn more about the history and diversity of the Amazon region.

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What is the weather like and what is the best time of year to visit Rio Branco?

Learn more about Rio Branco and its attractions.

What are the typical dishes or local foods that you can’t miss?

Suggestion of a 3-day tourist itinerary in Rio Branco.


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