Discover the history of Rodrigues Alves.
The city of Rodrigues Alves, located in the state of Acre, Brazil, has a history marked by indigenous presence and colonization. Founded in 1917, the city was named in honor of Hermes Rodrigues Alves, who was the president of Brazil at the time. Initially inhabited by indigenous peoples, the region later became the target of the extraction and occupation of rubber plantations during the Rubber Boom.The economy of the city of Rodrigues Alves was heavily driven by latex extraction at that time, which attracted migrants from various regions, including northeasterners seeking better job opportunities. With the decline of the Rubber Boom, the city faced economic and social changes, but still retains traces of its history through local culture and traditions.Today, Rodrigues Alves is a city known for preserving its rich cultural heritage and the beauty of its Amazonian nature, attracting tourists interested in exploring the region and its natural attractions. The city also has a strong connection with the indigenous communities of the area, which significantly contribute to the cultural diversity of the place.
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